Being prayerful means being alive to the moment. It is not about rituals,
hymns and mantras. It is about being thankful for this lifetime and this
experience __ as you are living it__at this precise moment!
A lot of time, resources, effort, spirit, and even money, gets invested
in trying to be pious. People simply lose their way, their focus and, at times,
even their sanity looking for ways to reach “a” God. The mandarins of religion only complicate matters,
confounding already confused souls, by championing the concepts of sin, hell and
heaven. So the whole industry of religion works on inducing fear in vulnerable
minds. Nothing can be more sinful than making God seem unattainable, unwieldy and
distant__that too through, and despite, prayer!
First let me share an interesting Zen story I came across that
demystifies and demolishes this whole concept of hell and heaven.
Hakuin, the fiery and intensely dynamic Zen Master, was once
visited by a Samurai warrior.
"I want to know about heaven and hell," said the Samurai. "Do
they really exist?" he asked Hakuin.
Hakuin looked at the soldier and asked, "Who are you?"
"I am a Samurai," announced the proud warrior.
"Ha!," exclaimed Hakuin. "What makes you think you can
understand such insightful things ? You are merely a callous, brutish soldier !
Go away and do not waste my time with your foolish questions," Hakuin
said, waving his hand to drive away the Samurai.
The enraged Samurai couldn’t take Hakuin’s insults. He drew his sword, readied
for the kill, when Hakuin calmly retorted, "This is hell."
The soldier was taken aback. His face softened. Humbled by
the wisdom of Hakuin, he put away his sword and bowed before the Zen Master.
"And this is heaven," Hakuin
stated, just as calmly.
Another Hakuin Zen story |
I don’t think any scripture can simplify these concepts to the extent
this simple story has. Being humble, humane and bowing to the God ‘within’ others
makes us loving, compassionate and awakens us to the ‘God’ within us too! Being
vengeful, unforgiving and refusing to respect another Life makes us miserable
and causes all our suffering! So, now you know what is causing you a hellish
experience and what can heave you up to ‘your’ heaven!
The question we need to ask ourselves is, of what use are all the religious rituals
that we conduct monotonously and mindlessly when we are not mindful of Life’s
gifts__the grace, abundance, blessings in our lives__ itself and we continue to
still worry, fear and agonize over what the unknown future holds for us?
I am reminded of a conversation that I had with our family priest a few
years ago. A self-confessed champion of piety, who called himself a ‘strict
Brahmin’, he came to me asking for career advice for his son who was looking to
join an IT services company after completing his undergraduate studies in software
engineering. He explained that his son had been selected by a leading software
company through campus interviews. Yet he claimed he was worried. Our
conversation went somewhat like this:
Me: Why are you
worried Sir?
Him: I don’t know if
IT companies can offer job security the way the government can!
Me: Why would you, a
faithful servant of the Lord, for years now, be insecure __ and want to seek security
in a government job?
Him: Sir, how can God
guarantee job insecurity?
Me: What is God
there for then if HE/SHE can’t guarantee you security?
Him: Sir, velayadathengo!
Don’t pull my leg, Sir! God can’t come and tell me that my son’s future is
Me: If God can’t
tell you that, the one who has direct access to HIM/HER, who else can reach God?
Why do you pray then?
Him: Sir, praying to
God is my profession. I still need something else to tell me that my Life is on
track and that my family and I will be secure!
With due apologies to my family priest, I must confess that this is the
problem with praying mindlessly. That ‘something else’ which my priest was
looking for__and I hope he found it in his own way subsequently__is ‘mindfulness’.
When you are mindful of the present moment, and are grateful for it, that would
be prayer enough that would make you realize God!
You will then find God in this blessing__that you have to access
facebook and are able to read a post.
You will find God when you feel the air in your lungs. You will find God in the
sunrises and sunsets that happen outside your window every single day without
fail. You will find God in a child’s smile, in leaves rustling in the night breeze,
in a cow mooing and in a dew drop! You will find God in every form of creation
that you connect with. You will find God in each moment. And then you will understand
and value what being prayerful is all about. You will then realize that such true
prayer, of living in the moment, alone can lead you to bliss!
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